Write sales emails that get responses

Sales emails have a few difficult parts to them. It’s relatively easy to make a sales email that gets opened, but it’s another thing completely to write a sales email that turns a reader into a customer. There is an art to trying to increase the likelihood that readers will convert into customers. 

We’ve done a lot of research and have practiced writing great email copy so we thought we would share our best practices with you. We will work from the top down. Let’s go! 

  • Segment your database properly 
  • Make a catch and punchy subject line 
  • Personalise the opening line 
  • Write incredible body copy 
  • Write an actionable closing copy 
  • Make your signature stand out 
  • Find the best time to send a sales email 
  • Strategies for following up on a sales email 

Let’s look into these points in more detail. 

Segmenting your database 

Every good email needs to be personalised and targetting the right people. This means that your process of starting to write a good email starts before you even type the first letter. By csegmenting your database you will already be a step ahead. You will know for sure that the people you are writing to are interested in the topic of your email. 

This makes sure that your users will most likely click on the email, but that of course also depends on your subject line. 

Make a catch and punchy subject line 

When we think of writing a good subject line, a good rule of thumb we use is what emails we open ourselves. There aren’t many that we read because the headlines aren’t engaging. 

Don’t go sounding too much like a sales person either. You need to make sure that your writing is engaging but not pushy. Don’t use words like ‘discount’ ‘offer’ ‘sale’ etc.. People will skip over those headlines 

Try to interact with the user as much as possible. Here are a few examples: 

  • Have you tried before, ?  
  • , here’s a quick question.....  
  • How is going for you, ?  

These subject lines are asking questions or giving interesting statements that can entice the user to open the email. 

Personalise the opening line 

Many people write their opening line to talk about themselves. This is outdated and will not get you results. It has the same problem as we said in the subject line, it is impersonal and doesn’t put your client in the spotlight. 

Focus on your client, their achievements or something they said during a previous phone call. This makes it more personal and more likely they will open the email. 

Something like: 

  • , how did go?  
  • I noticed you.... 
  • Congratulations on.... 

Write incredible body copy 

There is no excuse for boring body copy. Let’s start with that. Don’t use general stats and generic terms. 

Also be careful of using impossible stats or information. Don’t expect someone to believe you can increase their profit by 10,000% by following “This simple hack”. Those terms are so overused now, and the stats are just improbable. 

By writing generic copy and not giving any value you will lose clients. Even asking questions related to the problems your readers are trying to solve will help. 

  • What are your ideas, ?  
  • Is this a priority for you right now, ?  
  • What did you do to solve this problem, ?  

These questions might make the reader respond to the email and increase the engagement rate. 

Make your closing copy actionable 

Make sure that, after writing engaging body copy your closing copy is also able to be engaged with. Often asking questions or leaving a teaser is a good idea. Questions such as: 

  • Has this sparked an idea in your mind? 
  • Are there any questions left that I can answer? 
  • Let me know if you have any steps you would like to follow? 

Make your signature stand out 

Don’t use cheesy signatures. Don’t make it something that makes people want to cringe. 

A signature that stands out is the opposite of this. A signature that provides value to the reader. Maybe links to your social media, a phone number and a link to your most recent video. 

Make sure that your signature is either black and white, or uses your brand colours. 

Nothing nice and fancy, but that makes it stand out. 

When should you send the emails? 

Studies have shown that the best time to send emails in on a Tuesday, since they get an average of 20% more opens. However, this is all based on a general study. 

The answer to this question is still that you should do whatever works best for your audience. However, using the recommendations as a general guideline will still be good. But in the end, it is about whatever works for your audience. 

What to do after the email has been sent? 

Remember that each email requires, on average, five follow ups before a deal can be closed. 

As with any marketing strategy. The email strategy isn’t a set and forget deal. It is important to figure out what works best and trial and error the emails. 

  • Engagement numbers 
  • Open rates 
  • How many events were triggered 
  • Make sure you keep split testing the emails 

Do you have anything to add to our email marketing strategy recommendations? Let us know on social media or in the comments below. If you post on social media make sure to @digikatau and use the hashtag